
Before Thrown Away |「捨てる服」着用の記念写真

“Before Thrown Away”

(2020 - ongoing)


Everybody appearing in this photography series is wearing “clothes to be thrown away."

“Clothes to be thrown away" are not limited to clothes that are to be discarded, but also clothes that are going to be given away in some way, such as collection of used clothes by local governments or apparel stores, secondary sales through flea markets or Mercari, gifts (hand-me-downs, etc.), donations, etc. The participants of this photo shoot will look at the tags of the "clothes to be thrown away" after the commemorative photos are taken, and record the materials along with their memories.

In Japanese society, there was originally no conception of clothing as garbage. After the 1960s, during the period of rapid economic growth when mass production became possible at low cost, the awareness of disposing of clothing as garbage was born, and even today, most clothing is incinerated. It is also said that a large amount of inventory clothing is disposed of as new. On top of that, I have learned that chemical fibers and multiple fiber blended materials are difficult to recycle. This was also the moment when I realized that I did not pay any attention to the materials of clothes that I had paid attention to at the time of purchase, but at the time of disposal. Therefore, I tried to create a system to look at the composition of clothes at disposal timing.

Fashion is the poster child of globalism, the industrial revolution, and capitalism. Today's wide variety of clothing plays more than a protective role in society; it enriches our daily lives. However, it is also true that they place a heavy burden on the global environment and society.

For the 2022 series, ordinary residents of Tokyo's 23 wards are photographed at what is assumed to be the first landfill site (Fukagawa Eitaiura) for garbage discharged from the 23 wards of Tokyo. By participating in the photo shoot as a subject, it is intended to provoke the participants as well to think about the relationship between themselves, society, and clothing.







2022 -

*Click on the photos to see the records of tags and memories (PC recommended)

参加者 : 東京23区在住のみなさん
撮影場所: 江東区
撮影  : 林田真季
協力  : 調大輔

Participants: Residents in Tokyo 23 Wards
Location: Koto Ward
Photographed by Maki Hayashida
Collaborated by Daisuke Shirabe

2019 - 2020


Participants: Residents and workers of Koto Ward, Tokyo
Location: Studio, home, and Yumenoshima (all in Koto Ward)
Photographed by Maki Hayashida
Collaborated by Daisuke Shirabe

参加者 : 江東区在住・在勤のみなさん
撮影場所: スタジオ、自宅、夢の島(江東区内)
撮影  : 林田真季
協力  : 調大輔